Troop Support

Wow, active day today. Well, my buddy Sean has started blogging also, so welcome aboard man. In one of his latest articles, he explores some controversial ideas about whether or not it is logically and morally consistent to support the troops and the war in this case, and I’m not speaking of the correct yet vaporous ‘Support our troops, bring ’em home’ slogans. He raises some valid but incomplete points on this. Of course, I say incomplete, because I don’t agree.

One point that I do believe that he misses is that the emphasis on supporting troops is purely a reaction to pro-war accusations and reminders of the atrocious behavior towards the drafted troops returning from Vietnam. In the first Gulf War, pro-war pundits scored big points with their audience by spewing this rhetoric, though there was never any doubt about general support. Now, anti-war messages nearly always qualify themselves that they support troops. This is reactionary pandering to the Hannity’s of the world. It needs to stop. Send your own message. The troops are there by choice, send a care package. The issue isn’t about supporting our troops, don’t play their game.

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