Quiet times

Been sick the last coupla days, plus I’ve been actively trying to spend less time in front of the computer on weekends. Once I’ve gotten the hang of not checking my email incessantly I think I will be able to blog on weekends without clocking 7 hours of idle computer time, but in the meantime I am fearful and weak, like a recently quitted smoker at the Sandy Hut. I’ll be heading out to Idaho on Thursday for a fabulous fun-filled getaway in Wendell, gateway to Twin Falls, to observe a wedding. The closer I come to this weekend, the more better ways to spend a four-day occur to me.

Better ways to spend a four-day weekend than driving to a wedding in Southern Idaho

  1. incessantly checking email
    • doing taxes
      • getting drunk somewhere other than Idaho
        • watching local news coverage of the war in Iraq
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