Morgan Freeman

I watched the second half of Amistad the other evening. It was pretty good…though it may have been better or worse if I’d seen the whole thing. The thing that got me was Morgan Freeman in the film. Looking serious or nodding approval with some pretty horrible chops. I don’t know that he had a line the whole time I watched, they just stuck him in there every now and then, much like the robot in Logan’s Run. That was odd enough, but it got me thinking about Morgan Freeman, and how he seems to be stuck in every ‘white ‘ movie (Amistad qualifies…read the credits) that has strong black characters. What is this about? There are a lot of other great actors of color. What’s up with the Morgan Freeman infatuation? Is he nonoffensive, or calming, or just exuding a wise presence? But anyway, I bring this up largely because he looked so out of place weird there, and didn’t do anything except look like Morgan Freeman.

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