gay rights stance

There’s been a fair amount of talk about gay rights of late. Here’s a little bit to help clear up all the misconceptions. It’s ok. The operative word in ‘gay people’ is people. Let them get married. I’m sure that they’ve thought about what they’re doing at least as much as heteros are expected to. The ZPG people should be thrilled. Don’t worry about the gym lockers. They don’t really care that much, and if it’s that important to you, bronze it. Let them get off. Whether it’s ‘natural’ or not, it’s their business, pleasure is human nature, don’t worry about it. To me this is even more of a no-brainer than women’s reproductive rights…which is clear as well. So quit wasting precious time being divisive about stupid stuff and get on to the important things like saving the middle class and protecting clean water and air from corporations and evil people like our president who dole out miniscule rewards in return for the right to rape the land and pillage our treasury.

Update 7/14/03: Evil is a strong word, and I concede that I have possibly misused it. Therefore I retract that statement regarding the president. Retraction runs following “water and air” beginning with “from corporations” and runs through the end.

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