Ashcroft visit

Just got word that Ashcroft is paying a sneaky sneaky surprise visit to Puddletown, probably to buy some grass. Here’s the scoop:

John Ashcroft will be in Portland tomorrow.

[US Attorney General John] Ashcroft also plans to meet with the Portland Joint Terrorism Task Force and hold a press conference at 11:30 a.m. in the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, Duckett said.

That’s the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse at 1000 SW Third Avenue in downtown Portland. He’s speaking at 11:30; probably wise to start gathering at 11.

Let’s make it a peaceful, powerful statement of our patriotic support of civil liberties and the Constitution of the United States in the face of his the Department of Justice’s misguided agenda!

(via Emma)

Well, I’ll see if I can make it down for the fun. This guy really has been full-bore on tearing down civil liberties since day one.

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