hey jerk on the bike 2

“Hey, what’re y’all doin’ in the bike lane for?”

I commute on bike. I’m not die-hard…I’ll drive in if I feel like it. The number 2 in the title suggests that I’ve talked about this before. Well, I have, and my basic point was don’t be a jerk, it’s not necessary, they’re not out to get you. But then sometimes I ride, and as nice as it is to be on a bike, some guys just wreck it.

Riding home last night I was passed by a car. Ahead I could see some folks on bikes with those third-wheel baby carriers trailing. The car caught up with them, and slowed down, as they were stretch across the road, as phalanx. This is like five or six people on bikes. Three of the split off to a different road, but the other 3 continued on their business, blocking the road, the car patiently tooling behind them. I caught up and was stuck behind them as well, even after the car’s route diverged. A right and a left (this is near N Vancouver and Russell), and our little train was ahead of the splitted group, which caught up, and I was convoyed. I slowed to pass and swung around into the street…at this time, they actually were in the bike lane, which is when I heard, as I quickly passed, “Hey, what’re y’all doin’ in the bike lane for?” I’d already been offended by these guys. Jesus, there’s no statement there, you’re just pissing people off, and you’re gonna get some bicyclist killed sometime, or ruin the commute for the rest of us. Critical Mass is one thing (still not entirely sure how I feel, but at least they’re making a statement), but you’re just being a jerk.

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