strange days

Yesterday was one of the more unique days of my life. It was my last day at Qsent, the culmination of my two weeks and a day notice. I experienced quite a range of emotions throughout the day, and into the night as I saw people who have been friends and coworkers for quite sometime, not for the last time, but for the last time in that phase of my existence. Leaving a good job at a good company filled with people you like that you’ve been at for four years is tough, but the good byes were great, and many people showed up at the wonderful (though smoky) Low Brow Lounge to bit farewell to the beer drinker. I’ve been the instigator for many a beer run, and fear that I’ve failed by not passing the torch. I’m sure that another will rise from the ashes of my cubicle. Today, I am free, and tomorrow I begin a new adventure at Nike. I have to say that I’m pretty excited…the apprehensiveness passed when I relinquished my key cards. Anyway, I wish the best to Qsent and my friends there.

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